Friday 28 June 2013

The Beginning

"You should do a blog about your baking- I miss your baking"
So said my good friend Laura one evening via Facebook chat. I said something like "Yes I will do at some point"

So here it is the beginning of my baking blog- the imaginatively named "Little Miss Baker". So why have I suddenly decided to do another blog. Well it stems back to an article I read about a lady who bought a recipe book when she was signed off work with depression and then proceeded to cook her way out of depression. It seemed a positive way of dealing with an unexpected problem

I haven't been diagnosed with depression but last week I lost the only job I have ever had which I truly loved. The type of job you get up with a smile and cant wait to do. So as I am no longer able to do that I am doing this blog. So you can see the recipes I make, hopefully try some yourself and maybe share your favourites with me.

So I found this in the Charity shop today and it seems a good one to start with
Going to start with a recipe beginning with A. So watch out for the first recipe